Heaven on Earth Yoga (now at 2/42 Community Church)
Well, all the pieces are coming together to create what I hope will be a smooth transition from teaching secular yoga to finally teaching where I was trained to teach, Yahweh style Yoga, in a church. Needless to say I'm a bit nervous and even now, after GOD has opened every door for this to happen, I'm still acting like I've not taught yoga prior to this. Goofy, I know. This much is true, to GOD be all the glory for this class.
Once the room is darkened, the soft and soothing music starts, the introduction and all the housekeeping issues have been addressed and class begins, I'm fully confident, as always, the Holy Spirit will hit the room and a class that creates space for us who are tired, busy and spend alot of our time doing for others, will take shape. There in that aromatherapy enveloped space GOD will meet us, hold us and quiet our souls so that voice of the Holy Spirit can be heard. That is my intention, my focused prayer for the class soon to be known as Heaven on Earth Yoga taught at 2/42 Community Church on Tuesday and Thursday eves to be born. See you soon. Blessings and Peace in 2016.